Thursday, May 10, 2007

Christianity's Shortcomings

I am a Christian, but sometimes I feel very ashamed to call myself a Christian. I've seen it here on MyLot, online, and in the real world. Christians are some of the most judgmental, closed minded, hypocritical, and mean spirited people I know. I see things like "gays are bad", "YOU don't go to church", "if you don't believe the way we believe, you are going to hell", blah, blah, blah. I don't understand this. I thought Jesus is loving. I thought HE cares about all of us. Would Jesus act like this? Christians today are so pathetic. Should we just sit back and say, "Live and let live?" Of course not, but we are supposed to try to teach others in love...not in hate. We are supposed to judge others. We are supposed to love others. We are supposed to help others. Our job is not to be as mean as we can and lead them to Christ. All that will do is put a big smudge on the face of Christianity. They won't want to become a Christian, when the only example of Christianity they see is mean and hateful. If you are going to act this way, please don't call yourself a Christian.

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