Thursday, June 7, 2007

God is my crutch? Good thing or bad thing?

Years ago, I used to think having God as my crutch was a good thing. "Good ole God, He'll handle everything. God will take care of everything." Well, as I have gotten older, I have started realizing that I can't rely on God for everything. It's alright to have faith that your higher being will help you in some situations, but not ALL situations. We were put here for a reason, but I don't think it was to be mindless robots that rely on a higher power to do everything for us. Is God your crutch? Do you rely on your higher being for everything or do you trust yourself enough to rely on yourself sometimes?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I see a crisis of faith developed in you regarding God and Christianity and I see you are turning to the Wiccan side of things which is not bad but consider as you make this journey, we each have a purpose and that purpose is what determines where we are and what we need to be doing.

Unfortunately, God doesn't give us a little note that says "Here is your purpose" but instead he gave us free will to find our way as we lean on him. The more we look to him, the more we see. I can share more with you in other places we visit together, I am a Christian but I also believe in "gifts" and have some of my own. So we may have much to discuss.